Friday 12 February 2010


Salam All and Hullow~~~

Its been ages since I logged into my blog... Pfffft, getting bored of it bahhh, hehe, I guess I'm not that persistent, hahahaa, AS IF...

I would just like to extent how grateful I am now...

Thanks to Allah for what I am now... Hopefully dimurahkan rezeki lagiii, Aaaaammiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnn... :D

My batch was reaaly excited being posted to their respective schools now that we are appointed as a Daily Paid EO finally... Alhamdulillah berabishly lahhh, we didn't expect it would come this sooooon...

Although I am quite frustrated to be posted at 'THE' school, I tried to think of it as there must be a reason why I am there and not at Sg. Hanching... Pasti ada hikmahnya, Insya Allah, pasti ada sebab nya...

At the moment, I'm still having some difficulty in adapting to the school environment and staff. I felt awkward and alienated at times. But I tried my best just to stick to be myself as said by Kak Izah...

But I miss SR HMS Sg Hanching... The warmth in it *sigh*... Sabar sajalah... :D

Till next time... :D

Friday 13 November 2009

Nasi Ayam Penyet

Hey all~~

I'm too lazy with updating my blog nowadays. You know when you do the same thing everyday, boredom appear you know, hehehe... Plus, I've been busy with a lot of major events in my life. Such as, graduation, being a class teacher and many other commitments like Mas 'T', heheh...

Anyways, here are some snaps of nasi ayam penyet from a restaurant at Tamu Selera. Very nice, very cheap, and very yummy, hehe...
Cost only $2.50 per plate and the presentation, sooo the very "Melayu" which I loved the most. I got addicted with nasi ayam penyet because of this and got allergic from the sambal belachan as well, hehehe... But so what, yang penting indulging in it give me wonders.
*Rated 4.5 out of 5*

But, anyways here is another nasi ayam penyet from the 'Pondok Sari Wangi' restaurant.

Tasted quite okaylah, but I love the presentation, the fact that it's served on a 'raga' plate. Of course the taste is also quite nice, not bad lahhhh~~

I rate it 4 out of 5, okay?

Enjoy the pics ayttt~~~

"Food is a necessity after all"

Monday 9 November 2009

Belgium Waffle

~The crave of the belgium waffle~

Friday 11 September 2009

Nasi Beryani Ayam from Maharani Restaurant

Hey All!!!

Nasi Beryani is actually one of my most favourite dish in this world, hehe... The reason for this is because my mother cooked it so well and very delicious berabislyy lahhh... Usually in restaurants especially the Indian restaurant that serve Beryani rasanya okay okay sahaja. But this one restaurant along Jalan Tanah Jambu tasted very nice as well, although quite pricey jua lah, they increased the price already bahhhhhh.... The restaurant's name is 'Maharani Restaurant'. Nasi Beryani Ayam nya I rated 4 half out of 5 cozzz, hehe, my mother's nasi beryani is still the best, hehe...

Here are some snaps of it.

The Beryani comes together with an egg and lotsa chicken pieces which is suppose to be in this metal bowl at first. But since I am too hungry already, I didn't get to take snaps of the Beryani in the metal bowl, hehe... They serve it with some salad which is made up of yoghurt and onion and some daun sop I think ( very nice as well, unique taste coz usually other restaurants serve it with acar kannn?)

Here is a snap of the Beryani on my plate... So yummmmmmmmmmmy, smpai ku salivate udah ni, uwekkkkkkk, nanti pas raya I will go there lagi, hehe... :D

"Food is a necessity after all"

Sunday 6 September 2009

3 Layer Tea

Hey All!!!

Here are snaps of the one thing I've been craving all this while. The '3 Layer Tea' from DeRoyalle Cafe in BSB. It has this unique taste and I dunno why, very nice lah, but quite pricey. Once in a while why not right. I loved the place and very calming lah to sit around with Mas 'T', hehe...
I rated it 5 out of 5. Cold, not too sweet, nice, pokoknya aku sukalahhhhhhh....

Ohhhh yeah, I even had the Nachos which is very niceeeeeee, so loving it, just having light meal after my sungkai dinner, hehe... :D
Rated 5 out of 5. Taste totally scrumptious and lip-smacking lahhhh. Even Mas 'T' loved it. The only thing is that the sauce is beef ajaaa, which I try to avoid but I just ate it anyway, hehehee... Could not resist it, hehehe... *blush*

Oh yeah, and a little compliment from Mr. Stephen during that night coz he still remembers us from last time masa me interview for translator *blech* hehehehe... Anyhow, so generous of him, but all and all very nice. The cake is called 'Mango cheesecake'. Rated 4 out of 5.

Till next time. I'll be featuring the best Nasi Beryani which I so loved and it is so aligned with my mother's cook, hehe...
'Food is a necessity after all'

Monday 31 August 2009

Syukur Syukur Syukur

Syukur Alhamdulillah Ya Allah atas segala Rezeki dan Nikmat hanya dari-Mu jua.... Alhamdulillah... Alhamdulillah... Alhamdulillah.

Nice illustration of the Heart for Now