Friday 11 September 2009

Nasi Beryani Ayam from Maharani Restaurant

Hey All!!!

Nasi Beryani is actually one of my most favourite dish in this world, hehe... The reason for this is because my mother cooked it so well and very delicious berabislyy lahhh... Usually in restaurants especially the Indian restaurant that serve Beryani rasanya okay okay sahaja. But this one restaurant along Jalan Tanah Jambu tasted very nice as well, although quite pricey jua lah, they increased the price already bahhhhhh.... The restaurant's name is 'Maharani Restaurant'. Nasi Beryani Ayam nya I rated 4 half out of 5 cozzz, hehe, my mother's nasi beryani is still the best, hehe...

Here are some snaps of it.

The Beryani comes together with an egg and lotsa chicken pieces which is suppose to be in this metal bowl at first. But since I am too hungry already, I didn't get to take snaps of the Beryani in the metal bowl, hehe... They serve it with some salad which is made up of yoghurt and onion and some daun sop I think ( very nice as well, unique taste coz usually other restaurants serve it with acar kannn?)

Here is a snap of the Beryani on my plate... So yummmmmmmmmmmy, smpai ku salivate udah ni, uwekkkkkkk, nanti pas raya I will go there lagi, hehe... :D

"Food is a necessity after all"

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